How many weeks? I am 20 weeks today! I am half way there and can't believe it! On one hand I feel like the weeks have flown by on the other I am thinking how will I make it another 20 weeks? I still pray Pumpkin stays put until the very end. My nerves just get the best of me at times.
How big is baby? Baby weighs about 10 and a 1/2 ounces. He is around 6 and a 1/2 inches long from head to heel (the length of a banana). Overall baby is compared to the size of a cantaloupe.
How are you feeling today? Pretty good. I woke up in a fairly good mood today. I feel a headache coming on so I am prepared with my caffeine and aspirin.
New Symptoms? Nothing new really. Still getting some Braxton Hicks contractions. My lady parts hurt a lot though. I feel like I got kicked. My tatas are also growing out of control.
Milestones? On Saturday night I felt baby kick from the outside! I had my hand on my belly watching t.v. and he kicked me! He has been moving more and more which is such a relief. Sunday I went to my mother's house. I told her how I felt the baby kick but wondered if I could only feel it. She knelt down and talked to my belly and he kicked her twice! Babies always love my mother.
Appointments? Today I have a checkup after work. Then I will find out when my next ultrasound is.
Positive thing about this pregnancy? I am happy to give Aiden a little brother again. I just wish Gavin was here with us.
Baby names? I am very stuck on Blake. A new name I am considering is Chase. I just don't know if kids will make fun of that name though.
I also ordered some maternity clothes offline. Here's to hoping they fit!
Congrats on being half baked!!
ReplyDeleteI can finally comment! I have been reading your blog daily and have not been able to comment, until now. I have been thinking of you and Gavin daily, especially on his anniversary. I am sendiing you hugs through the computer and wish that I had a majic wand to bring Gavin back.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on how well your pregnancy is going.